Solar Cooker: Design, Construction and Performance
Yusuf Ismail Koleleni *
Department of Physics, Muslim University of Morogoro, P.O.Box 1031, Morogoro, Tanzania.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The main objective is to replace old usage of firewood as a source of fuel for cooking especially in the villages. According to a survey, each family utilizes two fully grown up trees in a year. Our design of solar cooking is strictly based on cost efficiency, easy availability and workability. The geometry of the cooker includes simplest form of an angled panel surrounded by reflectors for enhanced efficiency. The cooker surrounded by insulating card board box with material which when heated retains heat so that it can be used when sun is low. It is painted black at the outside so as to absorb all the radiation and emit none. The efficiency of this cooker is 89% when there is enough sunlight. The cooker can boil water up to which is also a sufficient temperature to cook light food stuffs and boil tea.
Keywords: Solar cooker, solar cooker panel, design, solar energy